10th Grade



Go to MEL to do the tasks



Louis's Story

Here is the story of Chokolit. Not chocolate. 

What do you think, why isn't  this sweet term  written in it's usual way? If you have no idea, watch this video:


SB ex.6, p.11- read the story about the young man from the video. Cross out the pelative pronouns where they are not needed.

Make a short summary about the company Chokolit abd its founder (orally or in writing)



Young Enterpreneurs

Follow the link to complete the job interview

Follow the link to revise some grammar:

SB Ex.3,4, p. 11
Choose the correct relative pronoun. 



Job Interview

Read and try to answer the following questions.

Basic interview questions:

Now watch a video about how to tell about yourself during a job interview. Write down a list of tips. (Подивіться відео про те, як презентувати себе під час співбесіди. Напишіть список корисних порад з відео)





Go to MEL to do the tasks



Speaking Test

!!! You may use your supermarket review as a speaking test.
Other topics are: My Future Plans
My neighbourhood (flat/house).
Shoot a video and send it till Friday



 Semester II Writing test

Підписуємо роботу:
контрольна робота з англійської мови (письмо)
за II cеместр
пропускаємо рядок і виконуємо завдання

I Vocabulary

Do you ___ any celebrities on Twitter?
A visit                     B update                               C tweet                  D follow

                          2  They’re showing the first ___ of a new sitcom tonight.

A scene                 B episode                             C act                      D chapter

  3 Our house hasn’t got any stairs. It’s  ___.

A a bungalow      B detached           C a cottage           D terraced

4 Nurses often ___ shifts.                        

A make                 B are                      C work                   D do

 5 Joe’s lived in that flat since ___.           

A a year                B a long time       C 2012                  D two years

I need to buy a ___ of shampoo.             

A jar                   B packet                   C bottle                 D can

Mmm, these apples are lovely and ___!

A smelly                 B juicy                    C salty                    D fussy

                            8 It’s a very popular programme, with over 2 million ___.
A viewers                 B producers         C panels              D scripts

The show was ___ awful!                     

A very              B slightly                C absolutely         D extremely

                          10 Stella’s always online – she ___ her status every day!
A browses        B uploads             C updates           D downloads

II Grammar
1 ‘Who lives in that house?’ ___
A Yes, I do.           B I live                   C I am.                   D I do.

                                                  2 ___ your parents use to have mobile phones when they were younger?
A Were                  B Are                     C Did                     D Do

                                  3  Can you help me? I’m not ___ to reach this shelf.

A too much tall           B too tall         C tall enough      D enough tall

                                     4 If we _____    more money, we’d go on holiday more.

A had                B would have       C will have           D have


I ___ you later if you like.      

A ‘m helping          B ‘ll help             C ‘m going to help     D help

    6 If we ___, we’ll catch the bus.   

A to hurry          B hurry         C are hurrying     D will hurry

                               7 Everything’s free, so you ___ bring any money.  

A have to                 B can’t              C needn’t           D must

                                  8 There are ___ biscuits here – would you like one ? 

A any                B a few                  C much                 D lots

            9 This            be our hotel. It’s too old.  
A could            B mustn’t                 C can’t               D might

         10 I’ll phone you            I wake up.       
A as long as       B before              C as soon as        D unless

III Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words :

 contract –  full time –  occupation –  retire - salary scientists - tour guide - uniform

1.The police took down personal information, like my name, address and __________________. 

2. While most people in developed countries ______ at the age of 65, some still work on because they need something to do.
 3. We asked the _____________________ if it was safe to walk in the city at night.       
4. Many students in English schools must wear school _____________________. 

5. _____________________ have found out that there is a connection between stress and the way you behave in private. 
6. The film star has agreed to a five-year _____________________ in which she would make three films. 
7.The average _____________________ for the job was $40,000 a year.                                          
8.My mother works _____________________ in a factory in town. She only has every second       weekend off.      

IV Writing

Write a review about one of the supermarkets in your area. Stick to the following plan:

1) It'ls location.

                                                                     2) What departments there are and what you can buy there

                                            3) What the prices and the service are like.


II Term:    Listening Comprehension

Task 1

Task 2

Увагв! Тест дійсний до 18.05. Час проходження обмежений.

Код доступу 919704

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Vocabulary and grammar practice

Go to MEL to do the tasks



Growing up. Modal Verbs for Permission and Obligation.

Reading Test

Vocabulary Revision

ex.1, p. 10- name as many subjects as you can
 write them into 3 columns according to the criteria in ex.2

Reading Practice

Semester 2 Reading Test

Підписуємо роботу:
контрольна робота з англійської мови (читання)
за II cеместр
пропускаємо рядок і виконуємо завдання

ex.3, p. 10
1) Do not read, think first
Look at the title and kinds of parents. Wtite 3 adjectives to characterise each type of parents.
e.g., Tiger parents- demanding, strict,...
2)Now read the text  and choose correct options
3) What do you think , what kind do your parents belong to and why? 
What type of parents is better for bringing up successful new generation?
4) If you were asked to describe three kinds of students, what would they be like?


Модальний дієслово і його еквівалент
Що висловлює
 & laquo; Чисті & raquo; модальнідієслова (4) і їх смислові еквіваленти (2) 
 to be able (to) 
могти, уміти, бути в змозі
am/is/are able (to)
was/were able (to)
will be able (to)
 to be allowed (to) 
мати дозвіл
am/is/are allowed (to)
was/were allowed (to)
will be allowed (to)
бути належним, зобов'язаним
 ought   (to) 
слід, слід було б
 ought (to) 
 Еквіваленти дієслів повинності 
 to have (to) 
змушений. доводиться
have/has (to)
had (to)
will have (to)
 to be (to) 
повинен (згідно плану)
am/is/are (to)
was/were (to)
 Багатофункціональні дієслова в ролі модальних (6) 
зобов'язаний, повинен
слід, слід було б
бажати, мати намір
бажати, ймовірно



The Development of Grammar Skills.

Go to MEL to do the tasks



My Technology

Vocabulary Practice                                                

SB ex.1, p. 9                                                                                                  



Different Ways to Express Future Meaning.

Study the presentation

Grammar Practice: SB ex. 6, p.8 
Do the task . Then follow the link and check (don't send me)



At the Movies

Vocabulary revision. Do you remember film genres?Follow the link and do a matching exercise.


SB  ex.1, p. 8- tick the answers and complete the list
ex. 3- follow the link . Listen to the conversation and complete the diaries.


By the way, have you seen Hunger Games? How can you characterise the film?

Go to MEL to do vocabulary tasks



This is a grammar test. Revise the usage of present tenses.

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The Development of Writing skills.

Write a review about one of the supermarkets in your area. Stick to the following plan:
1) It'ls location.
                                                                     2) What departments there are and what you can buy there
                                            3) What the prices and the service are like.



Shopping.Phrasal verbs


Follow the link and watch a video. There are 3 tasks after it. Pay special attantion to the vocabulary and phrasal verbs. Make screenshots of your answers and email them to me.

Revise the vocabulary and grammar tables  (SB p. 4,5,6,7) , there will be a test next week



for those who decided to have some ZNO practice



Якщо Ви НЕ реєструвались на сайті www.macmillanukraine.com раніше, то необхідно пройти Реєстрацію.

1. Зайдіть на сайт www.macmillanukraine.com та зареєструйтесь, натиснувши кнопку «Реєстрація» вгорі праворуч.

2. Заповніть Ваші дані, вказавши, що Ви – учень.

3. Після реєстрації зайдіть на сайт www.macmillanukraine.com ще раз та авторизуйтесь, натиснувши кнопку «Вхід» та вказавши Ваш email та пароль, який Ви ввели при реєстрації.

Якщо Ви раніше були зареєстровані – зайдіть, як авторизований користувач, натиснувши кнопку «Вхід».

4. Зайшовши до Особистого кабінету (потрібно натиснути на Особистий кабінет справа вгорі), вкажіть email Вашого вчителя для того, щоб Ви могли приєднатись до віртуального класу.

5. Як тільки Ваш вчитель надасть дозвіл на приєднання Вас до класу – Ви можете проходити тестування у розділі «Тестування», натиснувши відповідний клас.

6. Увага! У Вас буде лише одна спроба для виконання тесту. Не натискайте кнопку «ЗАВЕРШИТИ» до того, як виконаєте усі завдання тесту.

7. Увага! Для переходу до наступного питання використовуйте лише кнопку «Далі», щоб Ваша відповідь збереглася.

8. Увага! Для тестових питань, де потрібно вписати варіант відповіді, має значення регістр: якщо в завданні написано "k _ _" - то вірна відповідь "key". Тобто друкувати потрібно маленькими літерами.

9. Звертаємо Вашу увагу на те, що при відсутності активності протягом року (входу в систему) відбувається автоматичне видалення користувачів.

В разі виникнення проблем під час тестування – звертайтесь за тел. 050 336 35 26, 044 500 25 35



The Development of Reading Skills





1)Let's practice our Too/enough


2) Complete the dialogue 




Money. Degrees of Comparison. Too/enough.

1) Continue the list of the word MONEY words:

NOUNS: wage, fee, salary, earnings, savings, cash, change, fortune, assans, pay, treasure, finances...

VERBS: earn,save,borrow, lend, make, steal, sell, buy, invest, waste...

Degrees of Comparison (Ступені порівняння прикметників)

Too+adjective (Занадто + прикметник)
...adjective+enough (досить, достатньо + прикметник)

Go to MEL to do the unit tasks



Flashmob. Present Perfect vs Past Simple

1) Focus on Vocabulary

Look at the types of shops and departments. What goods can you buy there?

Types of Shops                                          Goods

electrical shop (goods)                                           


shoe shop                                                                 






clothes shop                                                            

toy shop                                                                  

pet shop                                                                 





2) Focus on Grammar           


The practical part of the lesson is available on MEL

ex.1- add type of the shop (допишіть назву магазину)
ex.2a)- fill in the correct tenseform or time indicator (вставте правидьну часову форму або індикатор часу)
b) match 
ex.3-Choose Present Perfect or Past Simple



Further Practice in My English Lab



Further Practice in My English Lab

Intro Lesson 1

Учням для  входу  в систему  потрібно перейти за посиланням: https://english-dashboard.pearson.com/login

(Перший раз заходити з компютера!)



National dishes. Quantifiers.

This test is created by Oleksandra Livinska. Will you try?


1) Vocabulary Revision

Inside the circles write down food categories: dairy, vegetables, meat. Add some nouns to each category. You may also add carbohydrates (вуглеводи) Underline uncountable nouns (підкресли незлічувані.)

2) National Dishes. 

a)Read the text. Refer each part to one of the countries.
b) Check your understanding following the link 


3) Grammar Point: Quantifiers

Study the table and the video. Do ex.6,7, p. 5 SB)We use quantifiers to show the ammount . They are much/many/a lot of (багато), some/any (трохи, декілька), (a)little , (a)few(мало). But how to distinguish? ex 1-3 , p. 4 WB, the right part of the page)




2)  Watch the following video about an upside down house and make an oral presentation. Record and send me your speech. (Подивись наступне відео та підготуй усну презентацію(розповідь) про цей будинок. Запиши на диктофон та надішли мені)




The Development of Speaking skills

1) https://en.islcollective.com/video-lessons/most-unusal-houses-world

Follow the link and watch a video about the most unusual houses. Choose  INTERACTIVE MODE and do the task. Share the results with me if you want to/ (Подивись відео про незвичайні будинки, обравши інтерактивний режим, виконай завдання. Поділись зі мною результатом, якщо хочеш)



The World Around Me.

Home Sweet Home (Focus)

1) Study the following Types of houses

Do ex. 1,2, p.4 (in your Focus Student's Book)

2)Do a shorrt listening quiz about types of houses

3 )ex.6-7, p.4- Choose the correct present tense form. First, study the table

Here are some videos to help





Unit Test 10

Follow the link and do the lexical unit test. 

Send me its photo/screenshot




Computers. Direct and indirect speech.I Listening I Comprehension (Аудіювання)


Follow the link and do the listening test. Make sure you fill in my email address after you finish so that I get your results immediatelly. (Перейди за посиланням та виконай  тест на аудіювання, завдання 1,2. решта завдань- на пасивний стан та лексику за темою "Комп'ютери та технології". Не забудь вказати мій email , коли закінчиш, щоб я відразу отримала на пошту твій результат)

II Grammar introducing and practice (Введення та закріплення граматичного матеріалу)


1. "He will come tomorrow".
She told me that he ________ tomorrow.
  is coming
  will come
  would come

2. "I see the clouds.".
He told me that she ________ the clouds.
  is seeing

3. "My mother is taking the bus to work tomorrow".
He told me that his mother ________ the bus to work tomorrow.
  is taking
  was taking
  will take

4. "I will call you".
I told her that I ________ her.
  will call
  would call
  would have called

5. "I have been there".
She told me that she ________ there.
  had been
  has been

6. "I will be studying tomorrow".
I told him that I ________ tomorrow.
  will be studying
  would be studying
  will study

7. "Open the window!".
He asked me ________ the window.
  to open

8."I am happy".
She told me that she ________ happy.
  has been

9. "I have seen that movie".
He told me that he ________ that movie.
  had seen
  will have seen
  has seen

10. "I am flying to India tomorrow".
He told me that he ________ tomorrow.
  is flying
  was flying
  will fly

III Reading 

WB ex. 1-2 p.  80- read and choose
 ex.3, p. 80- Write about the gadgets you use



Modern Technologies

I Visual and listening comprehension

1. Comment on the pictures. How are they related to the topic?

What is the difference between these two devices?

2. Watch the video and put the events into the chronological order

a)the first email
                                  b) the invention of the first computer
                                                          c) the first compurer with a keyboard and the mouse
                                 d) the appearance of Global Internet
             e) the Abacus calculator
               f)the first home computer
                       g)the beginning of Web surfing


3) Answer the questions:
What does your computer look like?
                 What other devices can be used to surf the net?

II Reading and comprehension

Read the text and put the verbs into correct forms.
Which part of the text contains Passive Voice structures?

a)E-book As we can now write to each other with email, we can read with e-books. E-book first appeared in the 1990s and ________________ (be invented) by Michael Hart. Nowadays, e- books ________________ (be used) in the American high schools. Students use this new invention to read books everywhere. They like it very much because notes can _____________ (be written) on it, new books can be downloaded easily from the Internet, and it’s much easier and quicker to search for passages. What’s more, a lot of paper will _____________ (be saved) in this way. It looks like a real book. But e-books are more expensive than paper books, so not many people can afford them. However, with the rapid development of high technology, great improvements will be made. For example, e-books will be designed to be more convenient and cheaper. It is said that in the near future e-books ( be used) not only at school but in the libraries. was invented are used be written be saved.
 b)As we can now write to each other with email, we can read with e-books. E-book first ____________ (appear) in the 1990s and was invented by Michael Hart. Nowadays, e-books are used in the American high schools. Students use this new invention to read books everywhere. They like it very much because notes can be written on it, new books can _________ (download) easily from the Internet, and it’s much easier and quicker to search for passages. What’s more, a lot of paper will be saved in this way. It ____________ (look) like a real book. But e-books ____________ (be) more expensive than paper books, so not many people can ____________ (afford) them. However, with the rapid development of high technology, great improvements will ____________ (make). For example, e-books will be designed to be more convenient and cheaper. It is said that in the near future e-books will be used not only at school but in the libraries. appeared be downloaded looks are afford be made E-book

III Grammar skills development

Do the test to check your knowledge of the Passive.


You may send me your test results via email.

Grammar tables to help you

Let's get aquainted with...Passive


Pack carefully!


The Phrasal Verb To Get

1. Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs. Use two of the verbs twice.get along    get round     get by     get ahead   get across    get away     get down     get back   get through    get over
 She's very good at her message.
 The robbers 
with a million pounds.
 It's a serious problem. We must
 The news of his death 
very quickly.
 We don't have much money but we have enough to
 I'll come to the meeting but I'll have to
 a bit early.
 It's important to be able to
 with your neighbours.
 Has she
 her illness yet?
 I've been trying to phone you all day but I couldn't
 Did you
the licence number of the thieves' car?

1 коментар:

  1. на самом деле в английском языке существует масса тем которые нужно разбирать, и желательно в присутствии опытного наставника, именно по этой причине я пошел на курс https://englishpapa.ru/, где мы смогли на простых примерах не только научиться разбирать даже самые сложные темы, но также и научились применять полученныке знания на практике, что в свою очередь сподвигло меня лично еще быстрее заговорить на данном языке
