Завдання для дистанційної роботи під час карантину
Let's practice all the present tenses: (всі форми теперішнього часу)
Grammar Practice (Граматичний практикум)
The use of Present Tenses (теперішні часи)
Semester II Writing (письмо)
Підписуємо роботу:
контрольна робота з англійської мови (письмо)
за II cеместр
пропускаємо рядок і виконуємо завдання
I Match the words
III Change Active Voice into Passive
e.g. You must wash that shirt for tonight’s party. - That shirt must be washed for tonight's party.
1. They make shoes in that factory.
2. The delegation will meet the visitors at the airport.
3. We have produced skis here since 1964.
4. They also speak German at EU meetings.
5. The Chinese discovered acupuncture thousands of years ago.
IV Look at the advertisements and write about the one you like according to the plan:
- how it is called and where it is situated
-what you can see and do there
-where you can stay and how much it costs
Speaking Practice: interview (Семестрове оцінювання з говоріння)
Job interview.
Read and try to answer the following questions.
Семестрова контрольна робота з читання
The Development of Reading Skills.
Being a doctor.
Reading comprehension questions that go with the above reading passage.
Listen and choose one of two pictures
follow the link , then press FINISH, then EMAIL MY ANSWERS TO THE TEACHER, fill in your name and my email address. Your results will come to me autommatically https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Jobs_and_occupations/Professions_gu21441ae
Семестрова контрольна робота з аудіювання
Let's practice all the present tenses: (всі форми теперішнього часу)
Код доступу 2387241
Grammar Practice (Граматичний практикум)
The use of Present Tenses (теперішні часи)
Як передати майбутній час за допомогою форм теперішнього?
Study the presentation
Код доступу 5512850
Semester II Writing (письмо)
Підписуємо роботу:
контрольна робота з англійської мови (письмо)
за II cеместр
пропускаємо рядок і виконуємо завдання
I Match the words
II Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words :
contract – full time – occupation – retire - salary – scientists - tour guide - uniform
1.The police took down personal information, like my name, address and __________________.
2. While most people in developed countries ______ at the age of 65, some still work on because they need something to do.
3. We asked the _____________________ if it was safe to walk in the city at night.
4. Many students in English schools must wear school _____________________.
5. _____________________ have found out that there is a connection between stress and the way you behave in private.
6. The film star has agreed to a five-year _____________________ in which she would make three films.
7.The average _____________________ for the job was $40,000 a year.
8.My mother works _____________________ in a factory in town. She only has every second weekend off.
III Change Active Voice into Passive
e.g. You must wash that shirt for tonight’s party. - That shirt must be washed for tonight's party.
1. They make shoes in that factory.
2. The delegation will meet the visitors at the airport.
3. We have produced skis here since 1964.
4. They also speak German at EU meetings.
5. The Chinese discovered acupuncture thousands of years ago.
IV Look at the advertisements and write about the one you like according to the plan:
- how it is called and where it is situated
-what you can see and do there
-where you can stay and how much it costs
Speaking Practice: interview (Семестрове оцінювання з говоріння)
Phrasal Verb GET
Job interview.
Read and try to answer the following questions.
Basic interview questions:
- Tell me about yourself.
- What are your strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
- Why do you want this job?
- Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
- What's your ideal company?
- What attracted you to this company?
- Why should we hire you?
- What did you like least about your last job?
- When were you most satisfied in your job?
- What can you do for us that other candidates can't?
- What were the responsibilities of your last position?
- Why are you leaving your present job?
- What do you know about this industry?
- What do you know about our company?
- Are you willing to relocate?
- Do you have any questions for me?
Now watch a video about how to tell about yourself during a job interview. Write down a list of tips. (Подивіться відео про те, як презентувати себе під час співбесіди. Напишіть список корисних порад з відео)
Now shoot a short video about your story using the tips. Your video will be evaluated as your speaking test. (Зніміть на відео свою розповідь, використовуючи корисні поради. Ваш відеоматеріад буде зараховано як семестрове оцінювання з говоріння)
Семестрова контрольна робота з читання
The Development of Reading Skills.
Being a doctor.
hen most people are ill with a non-life threatening condition they will most often see a General Practitioner, a GP, also called a Family Doctor. These doctors generally work in the local community in surgeries rather than in hospitals, so they are convenient for people to see for a consultation. However, other GPs can work in a very wide range of areas, such as in hospitals, in education and for insurance companies.
As the name suggests, GPs are doctors that do not have a specialty, such as a brain surgeon or cancer specialist: they are able to diagnose and treat all the possible diseases and problem that one of their patients might have. They can treat and manage most illnesses and perform some minor surgeries in their practice. Then for more serious cases they will refer the patient to a specialist that will work in a hospital.
If you are ill and need to see a GP you will normally need to make an appointment. Sometimes you can just walk into the surgery and see a doctor, but that is not very likely as GPs are normally very busy and all their appointment times will be fully booked. Often you have to wait several hours if not at least one of two days before you can get an appointment with a GP. If you are too ill to wait you have to go to a hospital and visit the accident and emergency department.
GPs also make house-calls. These are when the GP comes to your house to treat you or see a patient. Most often a GP has to make house-calls to see elderly people who cannot get to the surgery easily. They might be ill and need to doctor to give them medicine or it could be that the GP just want to check on them and make sure that they are ok.
If you are ill, the doctor will normally prescribe you some medicine and tell you to go away for a few days before you go back and visit them again if you have not started to get better. The GP will also explain how you can have a better lifestyle that could prevent you from becoming ill in the first place. They will normally recommend that you stop smoking cigarettes (if you do), not to drink too much alcohol and to get exercise. Once you have your prescription you will need to visit a pharmacy to get the medicine the doctor prescribed you.
ESL Doctors Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension questions that go with the above reading passage.
Listen and choose one of two pictures
follow the link , then press FINISH, then EMAIL MY ANSWERS TO THE TEACHER, fill in your name and my email address. Your results will come to me autommatically https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Jobs_and_occupations/Professions_gu21441ae
Семестрова контрольна робота з аудіювання
Work and Professions.
Development of Listening Skills
Listening. Follow the link. Listen to a rario programme and do the following tasks.
Phrasal verbs practice
The new manager will ____ next week.
As the plane ____ I felt really nervous.
The dustmen are coming to ____ the rubbish.
Millie ____ her mother in appearance.
I’m going to ____ my girlfriend ____ tonight.
Pick up your pencils and ____ the notes.
Charlie ____ his coat and sat down.
I am thinking about ____ football or basketball.
Plans and Ambitions.
Phrasal Verbs.
Reading. Read the text and do the tasks
Як нам відомо, початкове значення цього дієслова передається наступними словами – брати, взяти, зловити. У яких ще значеннях ви можете зустріти це фразове дієслово?
- Take after – походити на (батьків, родичів).
Jane is very short – she takes after her grandmother.Джейн дуже маленького зросту, вона пішла в свою бабусю.
- Take along – брати з собою (в дорогу), приводити, привозити.
She took her sister along to the hospital.Вона привела свою сестру в лікарню.
- Take apart – розбирати, аналізувати, розкритикувати (насварити, відчитати кого-небудь).
He spent two days taking his car apart.Він два дні розбирав по частинах свою машину.
- Take aside – відвести в сторону, відкликати (для розмови).
It was a serious question and she decided to take him aside in order not to involve others in the discussion.Це було серйозне питання, і вона вирішила відвести його в сторону, щоб не залучати інших до обговорення.
- Take away – прибирати, забирати, відбирати; віднімати, віднімати.
He was taken away to prison.Його відвезли до в’язниці.
- Take back – повертати, взяти назад (визнати, що ваша думка невірна).
It’s not easy to take back everything I said but I will do this.Нелегко взяти назад свої слова, але я це зроблю.
Take this bag back to the shop and change it.Віднеси цю сумку назад в магазин і поміняй.
- Take down – знімати (звідкись), зняти (одяг), зносити, записувати, розібрати (машину), знизити (ціну), знищити.
Did you take down his speech?Ти записав його виступ?
- Take in – вносити; ушивати (одяг), прибирати (вітрила); включати; засвоювати; обманювати; давати притулок (брати мешканців); брати роботу додому; оглядати, відвідувати.
It was a boring lesson and I did not take in the essence of the new theme.Це був нудний урок, і я не зрозумів суть нової теми.
You could earn some extra money by taking in students.Ти можеш заробити додаткові кошти, якщо будеш надавати житло студентам.
She takes in sewing.Вона бере шиття додому
- Take off – знімати (одяг), відводити, відвозити, забирати; копіювати, імітувати; злітати; знімати заборону; набути популярності, мати успіх; зробити перерву в роботі (взяти відгул).
Take your hands off the table.Прибери руки зі столу.
I had a lot of work and now I’m going to take two days off.У мене було багато роботи, а зараз я хочу взяти два вихідних.
The plane took off in time.Літак злетів вчасно.
- Take on – брати, взяти на себе; наймати (брати на роботу); здобувати; хвилюватися; битися з кимось.
She does not want to take on too much work.Вона не хоче брати на себе занадто багато роботи.
- Take out – виймати, витягати, видаляти; виводити (гуляти) і вивести (видалити пляму); знищувати; випустити гнів, зводити рахунки; виписувати.
Are you taking him out for his birthday?Ти ведеш його куди-небудь на його день народження?
Do not take it out on me, I am not guilty.Не звалюйте це на мене, я не винен.
- Take over – приймати керівництво, брати відповідальність, вступати у володіння; перевозити на інший берег.
Who’ll be taking over from Chris when he retires?Хто займе місце Кріса, коли він піде на пенсію?
After some discussions he decided to take over the leadership in organizing of this expedition.Після кількох обговорень він вирішив взяти на себе керівну роль в організації цієї експедиції.
- Take through – здійснювати, доводити до кінця, пояснювати.
My English teacher took me through my first book of English.Мій учитель англійської мови допоміг мені справитися з моєю першою англійською книгою.
- Take to – призвичаїтися, прив’язатися.
For some reason, I took to him quickly.З якоїсь причини я швидко прив’язалася до нього
- Take up – піднімати; приймати (виклик); знімати, викопувати; вкорочувати; займати місце); братися за щось, займатися чимось; зустрічатися з ким-небудь; здобувати, приймати.
I think I should take up jogging.Я думаю, мені треба почати бігати.
This wardrobe takes up too much space.Ця шафа займає надто багато місця.
Making a choice.
1) Answer the questions of the questionnaire to see if you are ready to work (orally)
2) Imagine you've made up your mind to earn some money. Are there any alternatives to babysitting? Read the text and find out.
Reading and writing: do TEST 4 (збірник)
What profession to choose?
Have you ever thought about a summer job? What would you do to earn some money?
Watch a video and do some vocabulary tasks
Phrasal verbs (Фразові дієслова)
Фразові дієслова – це особливі дієслова англійської мови, що складаються зі власне смислового дієслова та одного або декількох прийменників (рідше прислівників).
Фразові дієслова слід сприймати як одне ціле та запам'ятовувати їхнє значення як одного сталого виразу, адже значення фразових дієслів часто відрізняється від значення окремих слів, з яких вони складаються.
- keep on – продовжувати
- keep – тримати, зберігати
- on – на, в
- pass out – знепритомніти
- pass – проходити повз, йти
- out – з, поза
Study the meanings of the phrasal verb LOOK and do the task . Email me your answers
Reading and writing: Do Test 3 (збірник до ДПА)
Carreer and Job.
1) Look at the pictures and answer the questions
2) Make a list of professions you remember. Now answer the questions about yourself:
Which of them do you like most of all?
Which of them would you never choose?
Which of these professions is the most profitable/difficult/dangerous/popular?
2) Follow the link and match professions with their descriptions. Describe any profession you like as in the examples
3) Vocabulary Practice
The Development of Writing Skills
Write an email to your British pen-friend about the best national park or nature resort in Ukraine to visit. Stick to the following plan:1) What place it is and where it is situated2) What people can see and what activities are available there3) When it is open for visitors and whether the admission is free
Summary to the topic "Nature Protection"
1) Reading test
2) Listening Comprehension
3) Use of English
The UK National Parks and Resorts.
1) Watch a video about one of the most famous National parks of the country. Describe its flora and fauna, comment on the weather, landscape you see.
2) Read about other famous natural parks of the UK.
National Park Snowdonia
Another beautiful entry on the list of national parks in United Kingdom, Snowdonia is known for its namesake, beautiful mountain range. Full of exotic Welsh villages, blue waterfalls along with sandy beaches, the national park is home to different castles as well. Again, hiking and biking are quite common here.
How to reach: Take a taxi from Liverpool or a train directly to the Welsh coastal cities.
Nearest Airport: Liverpool Airport
Distance from Liverpool: 97 KM
Nearest Airport: Liverpool Airport
Distance from Liverpool: 97 KM
Located in Southwest England (county of Devon and Somerset), Exmoor is one of the most famous national parks in United Kingdom. The moorland coupled with cliffs and waterfalls and a number of sights nearby like Dunster Castle, Cleeve Abbey, Holnicote Estate and others make a trip to Exmoor worth it. An ancient royal hunting park, Exmoor is home to different kinds of sheep, ponies, wild horses along with red deer and hundreds of birds like merlin, dipper, Eurasian Curlew among others.
How to reach: Take the intercity train
Nearby towns: Taunton or Tiverton
Distance from Taunton: 26 KM
Nearby towns: Taunton or Tiverton
Distance from Taunton: 26 KM
Located in North East of England, Northumberland National Park borders with Scotland and the North Sea. Along with its exceptional natural beauty and diversity, the area is also known as a site for different battles. Highland moors running across the famous World Heritage Site, Hadrian’s Wall (a sign of Roman occupation), around ten thousand years of human evolution can be studied in this region with sites like Pele Towers, Duddo Five Stones, Yeavering Bell, and others.
How to reach: Take the Tyne Valley Line from Newcastle railway station to the National Park. You can also do a cab or take the bus from the airport.
Nearest Airport: Newcastle International Airport
Distance from Newcastle: 38 KM
Nearest Airport: Newcastle International Airport
Distance from Newcastle: 38 KM
Another moor in Southern Devon, Dartmoor has granite tors and the whole area is full of archaeological samples. The temperature is quite mild here with July and August being quite warm. It is also full of different kinds of lichen, moss along with animals ranging from rare bat species, otters to cuckoo and pied flycatcher. You can also spot Palmate newts, frogs, trout, Fairy Shrimp, salmon and Cave Shrimp in the rivers. The grounds are full of standing stones along with other prehistoric sites like Bronze Age houses.
How to reach: You can take the flight to the nearest airport or take a train to either of these towns – Plymouth, Newton Abbot, Exeter or Totnes.
Nearest Airport: Exeter Airport
Distance from Exeter: 49 KM
Nearest Airport: Exeter Airport
Distance from Exeter: 49 KM
3) Find some information about any other national park or nature resort. Present the imformation about it according to the plan:
- Name
-Flora and fauna
-Why it attracts visitors.
4) Read the postcard and answer the questions. Then write your answer as if you are on holidays in one of the places you've just learnt about. 31.03
Great Britain. Geographical Position.
What do you know about the UK? Follow the link and do the tasks. After you do press Finish. Then Send your results to the teacher.
Follow the link. Listen to the text about the capital of Great Britain. Do the tasks:1) Check your understanding: reordering;2) Check your understanding: multiple choice
Development of Listening and Reading skills
1) Listening task 1- listen and complete ( послухай та доповни)
task 2-listen and answer (1,2-with your own words, 3-6- choose the answer) (послухай та дай відповіді 1,2- своїми словами, 3-6- обери варіант відповіді)
тест 1 (збірник )
2) Reading - text 1 "Talk to the animals"- Read and mark the correct variant
3) Grammar Practice - Passive Voice (Task II)
Use the table to revise passive voice structures
Follow the link. Do the unit test online. Send me the photo or screenshot of your test result via email.(Перейдіть за посиланням. Виконайте тест онлайн.
Nature and us. Recycling. (Природа і ми. Переробка відходів)
Reading and Listening 1) Ex.1, p.106 (SB)- answer the question and create a spidergram
2) ex.2, p.106 (SB)- do the quiz
3) ex.3 p.106-107- read the text, complete the sentences.
The life of a plastic bottle.
Watch the video and do the quiz. Choose Interactive Mode.
(Подивіться відео та виберіть правильну відповідь. Оберіть інтерактивний режим Interactive Mode.)
Follow the link. Listen to the recording and do the test. Send me screenshots or photos of the results.(Перейдіть за посиланням . Послухайте аудіо та зробіть тест після нього. Надішліть скрін або фото результатів мені на пошту
Writing (письмо)
ex4-5 p.106-107- give a title to each paragraph, comment on the general idea of the text using the plan. Send me screenshots or photos of your works.
ex4-5 p.106-107- give a title to each paragraph, comment on the general idea of the text using the plan. Send me screenshots or photos of your works.
The Future of the Earth (Майбутнє Землі)
The Development of Reading and Listening Skills. (Читання та аудіювання)
1) Watch the video fragment. What is its main message? Do you agree\disagree with it? Why?(Перегляньтк е відео. Ви погоджуєтесь його основною ідеєю?)
2) Follow the link. Do a quiz and check the answers.(Перейдіть за посиланням та дайте відповіді на питання вікторини.)
3) Reading. (Читання)
a) Look at the title of the text. Have you got any ideas about what we should do to save our planet?(Подивись на заголовок тексту.У тебе є ідеї як врятувати Землю?)
a) Look at the title of the text. Have you got any ideas about what we should do to save our planet?(Подивись на заголовок тексту.У тебе є ідеї як врятувати Землю?)
b) Make a list of ideas (Напиши список ідей з тексту+ власні)
c) What do you personally do to help the environment? (Ф що можеш зробити ти особисто?)You may send me the list of your ideas.(Надішли мені свої ідеї)
4) Listening (Аудіювання)
Follow te link and listen to 6 short situations. Choose correct pictures to each of them. Send me screenshots of your answers. (Перейди за посиланням. Вибери правильне зображення до кожної ситуації. Надішли мені скріншоти відповідей).
Which of the following problems is typical for our country? (Які з проблем є типовими для нашої країни?)
Writing (Письмо )
ex.10, p.123 (SB)
ex.5, p.99- make a leaflet as in the example.
Send me photos via email or Viber
ex.10, p.123 (SB)
Send me photos via email or Viber
When do we use the Present Perfect Tense?
Guestion Tags
Tense Forms
Таблиця неправильних дієслів
Умовні речення
Inventions Making our Life Easier
A Camera
A distant relative of modern cameras was called camera obscura. It was a device with a lens and a small hole.It was used in 1000 AD.
Joseph Nicephore was the first inventor to use the light explosure to create an image. The whole prosecc lasted more than 8 hours!
In 12 years Louis Danguerre reduced this time to 30 minutes.
Later, cameras were becoming smaller and smaller. Steven Sasson, an engineer from Eastman Kodak company, invented and produced the first digital camera in 1975. It was the beginning of digital photography epoch.
Natural Disasters and
We, humans, now dominate the
Earth — and our planet is in great danger of suffering from our activities.
But from time to time the Earth threatens
us, warns of the danger of killing the planet and ourselves. We have to be very
careful what we do with nature, provoking to some extent natural disasters like
drought , sandstorm and famine in Africa, flood in Netherlands, hurricanes in
the USA, volcanoes and earthquakes in
Turkey, Japan, Mexico, Italy, Armenia, typhoons and tidal waves, landslide and
fire. Natural disasters make big problems and people all over the world come to
help the regions where the catastrophe has happened. Different countries send
to the area of the natural disaster food and medical supplies, as well as
doctors, nurses, blankets, tents and clothes.
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