Методична скарбничка

                 Our favourite vocabulary games.

                                        Which  floor are you in?

The pupils are in a many-storeyed building. They imagine the floor they are on, write its number on a sheet of paper.They ask each other :"Are you on the...(fifth) floor?"  Possible answers :"No, go downstairs" or "No, go upstairs".

A Game" Can I cross the river, Mr. Crocodile?"

           Aims of the game: to ask permission and respond properly, to follow and respect the rules of the game, to practice the usage of "can/cannot", to revise the vocabulary to the topic (for example, hobby)
            Materials:  a picture or a mask of a crocodile, chalk, paper or ribbon to mark the banks of the river.
           Procedure: One of the children is a crocodile. The crocodile stands on the river bank. The rest of the pupils are on the other one. They ask in chorus:"Can I cross the river, Mr. Crocodile?"  He answers,"yes, you can, if you tell me about your hobby. One of the pupils shows a picture of his hobby and names it, or makes 3-5 sentences about it (it depends on the pupils' level of English, stage and type of the lesson). After the answer this pulil becomes the crocodile.

                                               More names

The teacher sticks to each pupil's back a card with the name,appearance,clothes, features of character (it depends on the topic of the lesson) of his classmate.The children walk around,  ask each other questions  and find out whose names they've got.Only 3 questions are possible.The child who guesses the name gets another card. The winner is the pupil who's got more cards with names.


                                                         Another age

  Children imagine themselves much younger or older. They tell the class about themselves paying attention to their age pecularities ( appearance, hobbies).

                                             A magic house

Aims: to revise colours, parts of a house, to teach pupils work in pairs.
Materials; coloured houses of magic (cartoon) characters.Procedure: Cut the magic houses into parts. Put such a house on each desk. Ask the children to restore the houses. They take each part, name it and its colour ("It's a window. It is blue"...)  They work in pairs, consult their neighbours
( "What is it? Is it blue or green?", etc.)Only then they can take the details and build houses. The winner is the first pair to do the task correctly.

                            Role play games


                                       Welcome, Dear Uncle!

  You are alone at home. Your parents will be back late in the evening. Someone rings you up. It's your uncle's wife. He arrives to visit you but he doesn't know the way to your house. You must meet him at the station. The only problem is that you saw him only once when you were five. Ask his wife about his appearance, clothes.(the rest of the pupils listen to the conversation, make notes. When the teacher shows them some photos they have to guess the right one ond prove their choice).

                                         Will you stop talking?

   Your best friend has got a new boyfriend. She decided to share her happiness with you. She shows you his photos, describes his character and appearance. It seems she is never going to stop talking about him. But you are in a hurry. Try to finish the conversation politely. Remember; she doesn't see your irritation. She interrupts you and continues her speech.

                                          The best present.

   Your mum's birthday is coming. You and your dad go to the department store to choose the best present for her.Discuss her hobbies and deside what present she would be glad to get. Convince the partner that your choice is better.                                           

                                            A Trip to Kyiv.

Role 1:   You are a famous actor. You want to go to Kyiv. Your hobbies are art and history. Tell your friend what sights you would like to see.

Role 2: You are a great theatre-goer. You are going to Kyiv with your famous friend. Tell him where you want to go.    The "visitors" must come to an agreement.

                                            Who has called?

Role 1: Someone called you when you were out. Your sister picked up the phone. Ask her who it could be.
Role 2: You are the sister.  Tell your sister about the person who had called. Describe his or her voice, the questions he or she asked.

                                              The First Visit.

Role 1:  You are a tourist from GB. You came to Zhytomyr (Kyiv) for the first time. You want to go on an excursion about the city with your friend who lives in this city. Your hobbies are sport and history.
Role 2: Your friend from GB asked you to go on an excursion about your native city. Agree where to go and what to see.

                                                      An Old Family Album.

Role 1: You are a grandmother. Show the album with old photos to your grandchildren and tell them about your close and distant relatives.Role  2: You are a granddaughter. Your granny shows you an old family album. Ask her aboul the relatives, what they are looking  like now.                                                                


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